How can you impress his friends for a classy dinner? Server your own rum made from fresh black currant. You can serve it when the in-laws come to visit, or you get a visit from old friends. You can make them on dried currants, frozen blackcurrants and completely fresh black currant. The result will vary accordingly.


Should you use a ? The dark ROM will often be milder and softer in taste, as it is stored longer, for example, oak barrels. It is mostly used to mix drinks with, but in this recipe mixed it with black currant.

You will need 500 grams of black currant of the kind you have available. I would suggest you should choose fresh and ripe blackcurrant, as it gives a good result. If you have leaves from currant bush available so you can also use these, but it is not required. Additionally, you use five large tablespoon of good honey and a single bottle of dark rum.

Make your own ROM

First of all, you can mix solbærene, the leaves (if you have them), honey and rum in a large container to be closed tightly. You may want to use old empty bottle or a patent glass. You shake the container until the honey is completely dissolved. Make it about once a day until the honey is dissolved.

Subsequently, wait one month after which you have to financing currant and leaves from. Now, ROM filtered. You can throw blackcurrant leaves, but save like blackcurrant clean so that later you can make jam or use to fill in a delicious cake. 

health benefits

Blackcurrants have an incredibly high in vitamin C. The inside alcohols besides this also a high content of antioxidants. This prevents blood clots and atherosclerosis. Unless you drink your entire solbaerrom in one night, so it contributes enough åreforkalning and blood clots.